I am a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in International Development at the University of Bath and a UKRI Future Leaders Fellow. I am also an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore. I serve as a member of the Scientific Steering Committe the Earth System Governance (ESG) Project and co-convenor of the ESG Project’s Taskforce on the Sustainable Development Goals. I have received research grants from various funders including the UK Research & Innovation, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Australian Research Council and the Swiss Network for International Studies.
I study transnational governance, environmental politics, and sustainable consumption, with a focus on emerging economies. My work aims to explain the changing role of China in global environmental governance, including sustainability transitions within China as well as sustainability impacts of China’s overseas engagement. I am currently the PI of a £1.7 million project entitled ‘Sustainability Governance of China’s Global Infrastructure Investments’ (SGAIN).
My work has been published in many high-impact scientific journals including Science, Nature Food, Nature Sustainability, Global Environmental Change, Global Food Security, Environmental Politics, and Review of International Political Economy. My first book Certifying China examines China’s engagement in transnational sustainability certification was published by the MIT Press in 2022. I am associate editor of Global Environmental Politics and World Development Perspectives. Beyond academia, I am a member of the Expert Peer Reviewer Group of the UN-supported campaign Race to Zero and a co-chair of its Working Group on Fair Share, Equity and Justice.

Please find my academic CV, Google Scholar page and University of Bath’s research portal.